Call for Abstracts

Ninth Asian NIR Symposium (ANS-2024) 

Asian NIR Consortium (ANC), and Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

Tocklai Tea Research Institute (TTRI), Jorhat, Assam, and Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Imphal, Manipur, India

Call for Abstracts - ANS 2024

The Asian NIR symposium series is known as the world's leading biennial conference on this fast-growing technology encompassing numerous delegates and industrial partners. The abstract submission for the ninth edition of this conference; ANS 2024 is now open for the submission of abstract papers and active deliberations. 

The abstracts will form an important basis for active deliberations and advancements in the field of the symposium. The abstracts should be on general advancements in the theoretical (including use of large data analytics and artificial intelligence) and technological applications in the field. Though the thrust of ANS is on NIR spectroscopy, contributions on other spectroscopic / imaging technologies based on Raman, Multi-, Hyperspectral and Fluorescence spectroscopy are also welcome in a limited manner. Apart from that, abstracts on various applications of the spectroscopic techniques will be considered 

1. Agriculture (including efficient farming of crops, live-stock and fish), post-harvest technology and quality management

2. Environmental sustainability

3. Food, beverages and nutraceuticals (including processing and quality management) 

4. Pharmaceuticals 

5. Natural products and medicinal plants for human, animal, plant and fish health 

6. Medical equipment and diagnostics 

The abstracts need to be in the designed in format as provided at the end of this page, and to be uploaded in a given link. The ANS-2024 will feature prominent keynote speakers from various countries in the field of NIR spectroscopy. Industry exhibitors will highlight the current state of art in market. Research deliberations in the form of oral, and poster presentation from the participants all over the world will facilitate further technological advancement and outreach of this promising technology that set to revolutionize the future of rapid, non-contact, and non-destructive quality and compositional analysis of food, agriculture, medicinal plants, and various other sectors.


ANS 2024 will be for the first time organised in the heritage city of India; Kolkata, also known as the city of Joy, and the capital city of West Bengal. Kolkata as one will find is a collage of modern facilities, a hub of culture, an abode of heritage, with beautiful people buzzling with life.


The organizing committee for the ninth Asian NIR Symposium 2024 cordially invites you to participate in the event to be held during December 08- December -10, 2024, at the heritage hub of India; Kolkata, West Bengal, India.



Prof. Rajib Bandyopadhyay – Convener ANS 2024 



All papers must be submitted electronically through Microsoft CMT. 

 Abstract Submission Link: 

Conference Management Toolkit - Author Console ( 

Important Dates:

1.     June 05, 2024: Abstract Submission, and Registration opens

2.     September 15, 2024: Abstract Submission closes (Extended)

3.     September 30, 2024: Notification of accepted papers

4.     November 7, 2024: Early Bird Registration closes

Authors are advised to carefully read the ANS-2024 Abstract submission instructions.

Please read the guidelines below carefully before you start with the submission process in order not to risk rejection of your abstract due to formal criteria.

Important Instructions:

Conference Management Toolkit - Author Console ( 

a)    The abstract should be in English in single column format.

b)    The body text should be in Microsoft Times New Roman (or equivalent), 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing. The file format should be .doc, .docx. 

c)     The abstract should have the following sections:

-     Title: Please use Sentence case for Abstract title, do not put a full stop at the end. Maximum allowed title length is 30 words.

-        Names and affiliations

-        Introduction

-        Materials and methods

-        Results and discussions 

-     Conclusion

-     Keywords

d)     A maximum of two figures and/or two tables can be given in an attached A4 sheet in doc/docx format.

e)    The abstracts should be in the fields given above or closely related fields

-        Selected for oral presentation

-        Selected for poster presentation

Strict conformance to abstract submission template must be followed. Please download the abstract template by clicking the button and modify as per your content without changing the format.


Title: Abstract Template for the Ninth Asian NIR Symposium

First name Surname,1 First name Surname1 and First name Surname2

1Department of AAA, Faculty of BBB, University of CCC, City, Country,


2DDD Company, City, Country


A brief introduction highlighting the objective, contributions of your work, and the rationale behind the design. Please avoid the explanation of NIRS’s benefits on non-destructive, quick measurement and less chemical and labour. The body text should be in Microsoft Times New Roman (or equivalent), 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing.

Materials and Methods

The materials and method of measurement should be explained in brief.

Results and discussions

Please present your results that may be supplemented with Figure(s) and/or Table(s).


Please refrain from references in the abstract. The abstract can have more than 1 paragraph; however, the brief and easy to understand abstract will pay a good contribution to the selection of oral presentation. Please note that the abstracts should not be more than 2 Pages including figures and tables.


Keywords: milk, food safety, penetration depth, water

Please avoid the words “NIRS”, “Near Infrared”, “Non-destructive”.

The number of keywords should not exceed ten.